Baby Brezza Formula Pro

Baby Brezza Formula Pro

water dispensing testing

Price: $179
Where to buy, Amazon, click here

Amber and I are supplementing breast milk with formula. So, we have to make a few bottles per day. Currently, we have been buying the pre-made Enfamil 60 oz bottles. We pour in a bottle and away we go. However, our baby is now drinking more than 60 oz per feeding and these can get quite expensive.

Next step was to buy the powder and mix ourselves. Not a big deal, you can use 2 spoons in the bottle, with nursery water, and away you go.

But, I felt a better way must exist. Why?

  • In the middle of the night, I don’t want to worry about how much water we are putting in the bottle
  • I don’t like the idea of ensuring I put exactly the right amount of powder
  • I want it easy for our nanny to do it
  • We love technology

After some browsing on Amazon, we landed on the Baby Brezza Pro Formula unit.

A few key highlights:

  • Hassle Free Formula Preparation
  • No Measuring, No Mixing, No Fuss with patented Mixing Technology
  • Mixes formula powder and water to perfect consistency without air bubbles
  • Temperature Control: Heats water to near body temperature, the optimal temperature for feeding baby
  • Airtight Formula Storage

The concern: is it really dispensing accurately?

The first bottle we made we both looked at each other concerned. It seemed light more than 4 ounces was in the bottle. But, we had to take into consideration the volume of the actual powder, thus increasing the water level over the 4 ounces mark on the bottle. But how can we test this?

Testing the water dispensing accuracy

To do this test, we did a few things:

  • 1 ounce of water weighs 28.3495
  • We would use the unit to only dispense 2 ounces of water
  • From that, we would weigh the water and see how close to 56.7 grams it was

So, we set the unit up and ran a cycle without powder to see if it would dispense 56.7 grams of water.

The result of measuring what was dispensed was 59 grams. So, we were technically getting 2.3 grams more of water, per 2 ounces we made.

In theory, this showed the unit was dispensing more water.

However, I have a few thoughts:

  • The scale I used wasn’t perfect, a margin of error must exist
  • This wasn’t a controlled lab, so outside variables could impact it

Just how much are 2.3 grams? It results in 0.00507063 pounds.

To put that in perspective, 2.2 grams would be about as heavy as a 2 Jelly Beans.

But how accurate with the powder added?

Next, I wanted to test the accuracy of a human making a 2-ounce bottle versus the machine making a 2-ounce bottle. As I describe in the video, I do not think any human can make a perfect 2-ounce bottle, especially in the middle of the night. Measuring exactly 2 ounces of water and getting 2 perfect scoops of powder.  So is this difference that big of a deal?

To perform this test:

  • We made 1 completed 4-ounce bottle
  • Weighed in at 129 grams
  • Dispensed a machine 4-ounce bottle
  • Machine bottle weighed in at 138 grams
  • 9-gram difference

We aren’t sure what these tests will mean in our decision. Keep the Baby Brezza or not? I guess we need to think about our long-term goals and how many bottles we will use from the Baby Brezza. Stay tuned.

Watch the videos:

About the author

Jason Miller

Enterprise software guy, Land Rover collector, and real estate investor.

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