1977 Austin Fx4 British Taxi

1977 Austin FX4 British Hackney Carriage Taxi

I’m a sucker for a great story, and this 1977 classic has a saga worth telling. It began its journey in England, serving diligently as a private hackney carriage, ferrying passengers through bustling streets. Fast forward to the early 1990s, and it finds itself at the center of a lavish English-themed party in New York City—on a penthouse rooftop, no less! The hosts, determined to feature a genuine English taxi for photo ops, faced the logistical challenge of hoisting it 30 stories high. The requirements were stringent: disconnect the drivetrain, and drain all fluids. Undeterred, they imported the taxi, meticulously prepared it, and elevated it to the rooftop deck. After the festivities, the taxi was relegated to a private warehouse where it remained untouched for two decades. In 2021, it was rescued by an enthusiast who brought it to Pennsylvania after the warehouse was sold. Though he managed to get it titled, his interest waned, and it sat dormant. I took ownership in 2022, and it now resides with Jason and Jack. My plans for it are still up in the air, but one thing’s for sure—I love it.

1977 Austin Fx4 British Taxi
1977 Austin Fx4 Hackney Carriage
1977 Austin Fx4